
Tuesday 10 December 2019

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Bikini Bottom

The Bikini Bottom Experience

WALT: Write a recount 

Personal Goal: Use paragraphs

It was Saturday, the 20th of December 2014.

I got up out of bed to start another boring day. I strolled over to the kitchen and reached for some cereal to munch on. I sat down at the table and turned on the TV, the morning news was on. The weather-man explained that today would be overcast with a chance of a storm. The clouds were deep grey and were starting to bubble up in the cold air, so there was a good possibility that there would be a thunderstorm.

I flicked through some channels and noticed on channel seven that Spongebob was airing, I decided that would be a good show to watch while eating my almost soggy cereal. In the background I heard the low rumbling of thunder and occasionally a white flash would light up the skies, that would be the lightning.

I didn't think much of the stormy conditions outside, but I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen next. I was about to finish off my breakfast, but I heard a very loud rumble and then… BOOM! A blinding flash and an extremely loud sound was heard, the lightning had struck our antenna! The TV turned static and I felt something really, really weird.

I felt like I was getting sucked into the TV! I was dazzled and scared as this crazy event was unfolding, I was speechless! Everything suddenly went black… Next minute I woke up in front of this random pineapple, and then it hit me. I was in Bikini Bottom!

To be continued...

Image result for spongebobs house

Monday 21 October 2019


Something sacred is holy, devoted to a religious ceremony, or simply worthy of awe and respect. Sacred is an adjective used to describe a person or thing worthy of worship or declared holy. It usually appears in a religious context, but an object or place set aside for a particular purpose can also be sacred.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Wednesday 25 September 2019

My Duffy Books

This is a slideshow I have made about the Duffy Books I received for our schools Duffy Role Model Assemby, make sure to leave positive feedback. Enjoy!

Tuesday 10 September 2019

My Idea

On the 9th of September, Celia from Christchurch City Council came to our school to teach us about voting and what we could do to make Christchurch a better place, I came up with the idea of Sleeping Cubicles, enjoy and leave a comment.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

How Animals Sleep

This is a slideshow I made about how different animals around the world sleep, please make sure to leave positive feedback in the comments, enjoy.